Music BPM calculator These calculators allow you to find the tempo (BPM) of a song from either the length in milliseconds(ms) or from the sample length.

Finding the BPM

BPM and Time (milliseconds) Calculator:

This calculator is useful when you know only the length of a sample in milliseconds (ms) and want to know its beats per minute (BPM).

Select the number of measures, the beat, and length in ms; hit calculate then bookmark and naff off!

To find the bpm of a loop when its length in milliseconds is known
1) A  measure(s) loop 2) With a length of  ms
3) With a  beat 4) bpm

BPM and Samples Calculator:

This calculator allows you to find the bpm of a sample when you know its length in samples.

Choose the number of measures, enter the length in samples, its frequency rate and number of beats to the bar then hit "Calculate Loop" to reveal the bpm.

To find the bpm of a loop when its length in samples is known
1) A  measure(s) loop 2) With a length of  samples
3) At  Hz 4) With a beat
5) bpm