Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.

Question relating to...


Asked by: digger

I've been making music for about a year now with Cubase and Reason. The VST plugins I use are Hypersonics 2, Reason as a slave, Kontakt, and Funktion vocal forge library, plus a few more.


Submitted by: otaku_in_the_uk

I make music on computer too although it's with Sonar not Cubase. I have Reason but I can't seem to get into it really. I have flirted with DnB but dub reggae is my style of choice.

There's hundreds of plugins out there (many free, although some are a waste of time). Search for KVR Audio in Yahoo. I think it's a case of searching till u find what u want. If like me you change ideas from day to day.